EducationFull Sail University, Orlando Florida Bachelor of Science in Game Development
Valedictorian GPA: 3.43, GPS: 100
ITT Technical Institute, Strongsville Ohio Associate of Applied Science in Software Applications & Programming
Highest Honors GPA: 3.95, Perfect Attendance
Work Experience
Lab Specialist • Full Sail University 02/10-Present
Role: Graphics Pool Lab Instructor
- Instruct and grade labs for classes:
- OpenGL, DirectX, 3D Content Creation,
Software Engineering, Engine Development I, Engine Development II, and Real Time Animation
Programmer I • ASRC Aerospace 03/07-09/07
NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland Ohio
Role: Developer/Tester/Database Designer on a team of 10
- Maintained multiple web applications for various NASA contracts.
- Converted several applications from ASP classic to ASP.NET 2003
using Vusual Basic.NET
- Wrote back end interfaces to databases using SQL
- Developed four Microsoft Access databases
- Did testing for other members of team
Game Development Experience
Quintessence • 3D Puzzle/Platformer (Academic)
Role: Technology Lead/Integration Lead on a team of 15
- Rendering/Lighting engine using OpenGL 3.2 and GLSL 2.0
- Sound engine using Audiokinetic Wwise v.2009
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy for partitioning collision mesh
- Scripted Menus using LUA
- 3D math library - 3D Vectors, 4D Vectors, 3D Matrix, 4D Matrix
- 3D Collision Library - AABB, Sphere, Line, Triangle
Brolly • 2D Platformer (Academic)
Role: Interface Lead on a team of 3
- Particle editor in C# .NET 2005 using Managed DirectX 9
- Particle engine for game using file from editor
- Bitmap Font editor in C# .NET 2005 using Managed DirectX 9
- Wii Mote Interface using WiiYourself! API
- Physics based collision system
Technical Skills Summary
Visual C/C++, C#, Visual Basic/Visual Basic.NET, ASP/ASP.NET, Java Assembly x86 Intel GLSL, HLSL, HTML, XHTML, CSS, VBScript, VBA, SQL, Lua
Direct3D 9.0,
OpenGL, Glee 5.4, WGL, GLUT,
Simple Direct-Media Layer(SDL), Win32,
Audiokinetic Wwise v.2009,
Firelight FMOD Ex, DirectSound 8.0,
.NET Security, OLE DB/ODBC,
ADO/ADO.NET, Boost, Maya 2009, WiiYourself!
Microsoft Visual Studio 6-2008,
Tortise SVN, Alienbrain,
Intel VTune, Microsoft Project
Microsoft Visio, Star UML, DIA,
Visual Paradigm,
Macromedia Dreamweaver,
Render Monkey 1.82, GIMP,
SQL Server 6-2003, My SQL,
Microsoft Access 2.0-2003